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发表时间:13-01-21 来自:亚洲新闻(2012/06/21) 作者:  点击次数:6802


信德年的宗旨和活动,今天在梵蒂冈发表,由宗座促进新福传委员会主席费斯切拉主教(Rino Fisichella)及该部门的副秘书长格雷厄姆·贝尔主教(Graham Bell)负责。



* The solemn opening of the Year of the Faith will take place in St. Peter's Square on Thursday, October 11, the fiftieth anniversary of the beginning of Vatican II. There will be a solemn Mass concelebrated by all the Synod Fathers, the Presidents of Episcopal Conferences of the world and by the Council Fathers who are still alive who can make it for the event.

* The first event of the Year, Sunday, October 21, will be the canonization of six martyrs and confessors of the faith. The sign speaks for itself. In the wake of what is written in Porta fidei: "By faith, over the centuries, men and women of all ages, whose name is written in the Book of Life, have confessed the beauty of following the Lord Jesus where they were called to give testimony of their being Christians"(PF 13). There will be canonized: Jacques Barthieu, Jesuit priest and missionary martyr in Madagascar (1896); Peter Calungsod, lay catechist, martyr in the Philippines (1672); Giovanni Battista Piamarta, priest and witness of the faith in the education of the youth (1913), Mother Marianne (Barbara Cope) witness of faith in the leper colony of Molokai (1918), Mary of Mount Carmel, religious in Spain (1911), Catherine Tekakwitha, secular Indian converted to Catholicism (1680), and Anna Schäffer, secular Bavarian witness to the love of Christ from her bed of suffering (1925). We will have the opportunity, therefore, to reflect and pray about these witnesses who with the heroism of their lives are placed by the Church as examples of living faith.

* On January 25, 2013, the traditional ecumenical celebration in the basilica of St. Paul Outside the Walls will have a more solemn ecumenical character and we will pray together so that by the common profession of the creed the Christians who have received the same baptism may not forget the way of unity as the visible sign to offer the world.

* Saturday, Feb. 2, the celebration for all people who have dedicated their lives to the Lord through a religious profession will gather in St. Peter's Basilica for a common prayer to witness that the faith also requires concrete signs aimed at keeping alive the hope in the Lord who comes.

* Palm Sunday, March 24, will be, as always, dedicated to young people who are preparing for World Youth Day.

* Sunday, April 28th will be dedicated to all young boys and girls who have received the sacrament of Confirmation. The Holy Father will give Confirmation to a small group of young people as a testimony of the public profession of faith in confirmation of that made in baptism.

* Sunday, May 5 will be dedicated to the celebration of faith that finds its initial expression in popular piety and that over the course of the centuries has been passed on as a peculiar form of faith of the people through the life of the Confraternities.

* The Pentecost Vigil, on May 18, will be dedicated to all the movements, old and new, with the pilgrimage to the Tomb of Peter, a witness of the faith who on the day of Pentecost opened the doors of the house to go into the squares and streets to announce the resurrection of Christ. In St. Peter's square we will ask the Lord to send his Spirit once more in abundance to renew the miracles, as in the early days of the early Church.

* On the feast of Corpus Domini, Sunday, June 2, we will have a Solemn Eucharistic Adoration that will held simultaneously throughout the world. In the cathedral of each diocese and in every church, it will be possible, at the same hour, to experience the silence of contemplation as a witness to the faith that contemplates the mystery of God alive and present among us with his Body and his Blood.

* Sunday, June 16th will be dedicated to the testimony of the Gospel of life that has always seen the Church as a promoter of human life and defender of the dignity of the person from the first moment until his or her last natural moment.

* Sunday, July 7 will see the conclusion of the pilgrimage to St. Peter that seminarians, novices, and those in vocational paths will undertake to make public the joy of their choice to follow the Lord in the service of his Church.

* From July 23 to 28, World Youth Day in Rio de Janeiro will be as always the culmination of a journey that will see young people from around the world in a joyful meeting to tell everyone of the importance of faith.

* September 29 will be dedicated in particular to Catechists, to make clear the importance of catechesis in the growth of faith and the intelligent and systematic understanding of the faith in relation to personal life and community growth. It will be an opportunity to recall the twentieth anniversary of the publication of the Catechism of the Catholic Church.

* Sunday, October 13 will see the presence of all the Marian realities to show how the Virgin Mary, Mother of God, is an icon of the faith of every believer, who in their obedient reliance on the will of the Father can accomplish true marvels.

* On Sunday, November 24, finally, there will be celebrated the final day of the Year of Faith.



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