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发表时间:11-12-23 来自: 作者:金鲁贤 主教  点击次数:67109



a)《主教在教会内牧灵职务法令》(Decretum De Pastorali Episcoporum Munere In EcclesiaDecree on the Bishops' Pastoral Office in the Church)(19651028):《主基督》(Christus Dominus/CD

 b)《司铎职务与生活法令》(Decretum De Presbyterorum Ministerio et VitaDecree on the Ministry and Life of Priests)(1965127):《司铎们的圣秩》(Presbyterorum Ordinis/PO

c)《司铎之培养法令》(Decretum De Institutione Sacerdotali Decree on Priestly Formation) (19651028):《渴望整个教会的革新》(Optatam Totius /OT

d)《修会生活革新法令》(Decretum De Accommodata Renovatione Vitae ReligiosaeDecree on the Appropriate Renewal of the Religious Life)(19651028):《全备爱德的》(Perfectae Caritatis/PC

e)《教友传教法令》Decretum De Apostolatu LaicorumDecree on the Apostolate of the Laity)(19651118):《将使徒行动》(Apostolicam Actuositatem/AA

 f)《教会传教工作法令》(Decretum De Activitate Missionali EcclesiaeDecree on the Missionary Activity of the Church)(1965127):《致万民》(Ad Gentes Divinitus/AG

 g)《大公主义法令》(Decretum De OecumenismoDecree on Ecumenism) (19641121):《重新合一》(Unitatis Redintegratio/UR

 h)《东方公教会法令》(Decretum De Ecclesiis Orientalibus CatholicisDecree on Eastern Catholic Churches)(19641121):《众东方教会的》(Orientalium Ecclesiarum/OE

 i)《大众传播工具法令》(Decretum De Instrumentis Communicationis SocialisDecree on the Instruments of Social Communication)(1963124):《在惊奇中》(Inter Mirifica/IM

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